Basic Usage - Paperless-ngx (2025)

Paperless is an application that manages your personal documents. Withthe help of a document scanner (see the scanners wiki),paperless transforms your unwieldy physical document binders into a searchable archiveand provides many utilities for finding and managing your documents.

Terms and definitions

Paperless essentially consists of two different parts for managing yourdocuments:

  • The consumer watches a specified folder and adds all documents inthat folder to paperless.
  • The web server provides a UI that you use to manage and search foryour scanned documents.

Each document has a couple of fields that you can assign to them:

  • A Document is a piece of paper that sometimes contains valuableinformation.
  • The correspondent of a document is the person, institution orcompany that a document either originates from, or is sent to.
  • A tag is a label that you can assign to documents. Think of labelsas more powerful folders: Multiple documents can be grouped togetherwith a single tag, however, a single document can also have multipletags. This is not possible with folders. The reason folders are notimplemented in paperless is simply that tags are much more versatilethan folders.
  • A document type is used to demarcate the type of a document suchas letter, bank statement, invoice, contract, etc. It is used toidentify what a document is about.
  • The date added of a document is the date the document was scannedinto paperless. You cannot and should not change this date.
  • The date created of a document is the date the document wasinitially issued. This can be the date you bought a product, thedate you signed a contract, or the date a letter was sent to you.
  • The archive serial number (short: ASN) of a document is theidentifier of the document in your physical document binders. Seerecommended workflow below.
  • The content of a document is the text that was OCR'ed from thedocument. This text is fed into the search engine and is used formatching tags, correspondents and document types.

Adding documents to paperless

Once you've got Paperless setup, you need to start feeding documentsinto it. When adding documents to paperless, it will perform thefollowing operations on your documents:

  1. OCR the document, if it has no text. Digital documents usually havetext, and this step will be skipped for those documents.
  2. Paperless will create an archivable PDF/A document from yourdocument. If this document is coming from your scanner, it will haveembedded selectable text.
  3. Paperless performs automatic matching of tags, correspondents andtypes on the document before storing it in the database.


This process can be configured to fit your needs. If you don't wantpaperless to create archived versions for digital documents, you canconfigure that by configuringPAPERLESS_OCR_SKIP_ARCHIVE_FILE=with_text. Please read therelevant section in the documentation.


No matter which options you choose, Paperless will always store theoriginal document that it found in the consumption directory or in themail and will never overwrite that document. Archived versions arestored alongside the original versions. Any files found in theconsumption directory will stored inside the Paperless-ngx filestructure and will not be retained in the consumption directory.

The consumption directory

The primary method of getting documents into your database is by puttingthem in the consumption directory. The consumer waits patiently, lookingfor new additions to this directory. When it finds them,the consumer goes about the process of parsing them with the OCR,indexing what it finds, and storing it in the media directory. You shouldthink of this folder as a temporary location, as files will be re-createdinside Paperless-ngx and removed from the consumption folder.

Getting stuff into this directory is up to you. If you're runningPaperless on your local computer, you might just want to drag and dropfiles there, but if you're running this on a server and want yourscanner to automatically push files to this directory, you'll need tosetup some sort of service to accept the files from the scanner.Typically, you're looking at an FTP server likeProftpd or a Windows folder share withSamba.


Files found in the consumption directory that are consumed will beremoved from the consumption directory and stored inside thePaperless-ngx file structure using any settings / storage pathsyou have specified. This action is performed as safely as possiblebut this means it is expected that files in the consumptiondirectory will no longer exist (there) after being consumed.

Web UI Upload

The dashboard has a button to upload documents to paperless or youcan simply drag a file anywhere into the app to initiate the consumptionprocess.

Mobile upload

Please see the wiki for a user-maintained list of related projects andsoftware (e.g. for mobile devices) that is compatible with Paperless-ngx.

IMAP (Email)

You can tell paperless-ngx to consume documents from your emailaccounts. This is a very flexible and powerful feature, if you regularlyreceived documents via mail that you need to archive. The mail consumercan be configured via the frontend settings (/settings/mail) in the followingmanner:

  1. Define e-mail accounts.
  2. Define mail rules for your account.

These rules perform the following:

  1. Connect to the mail server.
  2. Fetch all matching mails (as defined by folder, maximum age and thefilters)
  3. Check if there are any consumable attachments.
  4. If so, instruct paperless to consume the attachments and optionallyuse the metadata provided in the rule for the new document.
  5. If documents were consumed from a mail, the rule action is performedon that mail.

Paperless will check all emails only once and completely ignore messagesthat do not match your filters. It will also only perform the rule actionon e-mails that it has consumed documents from.

The actions all ensure that the same mail is not consumed twice bydifferent means. These are as follows:

  • Delete: Immediately deletes mail that paperless has consumeddocuments from. Use with caution.
  • Mark as read: Mark consumed mail as read. Paperless will notconsume documents from already read mails. If you read a mail beforepaperless sees it, it will be ignored.
  • Flag: Sets the 'important' flag on mails with consumeddocuments. Paperless will not consume flagged mails.
  • Move to folder: Moves consumed mails out of the way so thatpaperless won't consume them again.
  • Add custom Tag: Adds a custom tag to mails with consumeddocuments (the IMAP standard calls these "keywords"). Paperlesswill not consume mails already tagged. Not all mail servers supportthis feature!

  • Apple Mail support: Apple Mail clients allow differently colored tags. For this to work use apple:<color> (e.g. apple:green) as a custom tag. Available colors are red, orange, yellow, blue, green, violet and grey.


The mail consumer will perform these actions on all mails it hasconsumed documents from. Keep in mind that the actual consumptionprocess may fail for some reason, leaving you with missing documents inpaperless.


With the correct set of rules, you can completely automate your emaildocuments. Create rules for every correspondent you receive digitaldocuments from and paperless will read them automatically. The defaultaction "mark as read" is pretty tame and will not cause any damage ordata loss whatsoever.

You can also setup a special folder in your mail account for paperlessand use your favorite mail client to move to be consumed mails into thatfolder automatically or manually and tell paperless to move them to yetanother folder after consumption. It's up to you.


When defining a mail rule with a folder, you may need to try differentcharacters to define how the sub-folders are separated. Common valuesinclude ".", "/" or "|", but this varies by the mail server.Check the documentation for your mail server. In the event of an errorfetching mail from a certain folder, check the Paperless logs. When afolder is not located, Paperless will attempt to list all folders foundin the account to the Paperless logs.


Paperless will process the rules in the order defined in the admin page.

You can define catch-all rules and have them executed last to consumeany documents not matched by previous rules. Such a rule may assign an"Unknown mail document" tag to consumed documents so you can inspectthem further.

Paperless is set up to check your mails every 10 minutes. This can beconfigured via PAPERLESS_EMAIL_TASK_CRON


You can also submit a document using the REST API, see POSTing documentsfor details.


Permissions in Paperless-ngx are based around 'global' permissions as well as'object-level' permissions. Global permissions determine which parts of theapplication a user can access (e.g. Documents, Tags, Settings) and object-level determine whichobjects are visible or editable. All objects have an 'owner' and 'view' and 'edit' permissions whichcan be granted to other users or groups. The paperless-ngx permissions system uses the built-in usermodel of the backend framework, Django.


Object-level permissions only apply to the object itself. In other words, setting permissionsfor a Tag will not affect the permissions of documents that have the Tag.

Permissions can be set using the new "Permissions" tab when editing documents, or bulk-appliedin the UI by selecting documents and choosing the "Permissions" button.

Default permissions

Workflows provide advanced ways to control permissions.

For objects created via the web UI (tags, doc types, etc.) the default is to set the current useras owner and no extra permissions, but you can explicitly set these under Settings > Permissions.

Documents consumed via the consumption directory do not have an owner or additional permissions set by default, but again, can be controlled with Workflows.

Users and Groups

Paperless-ngx supports editing users and groups via the 'frontend' UI, which can be found underSettings > Users & Groups, assuming the user has access. If a user is designatedas a member of a group those permissions will be inherited and this is reflected in the UI. Explicitpermissions can be granted to limit access to certain parts of the UI (and corresponding API endpoints).


By default, new users are not granted any permissions, except those inherited from any group(s) of which they are a member.


Superusers can access all parts of the front and backend application as well as any and all objects.

Admin Status

Admin status (Django 'staff status') grants access to viewing the paperless logs and the system status dialogas well as accessing the Django backend.

Detailed Explanation of Global Permissions

Global permissions define what areas of the app and API endpoints users can access. For example, theydetermine if a user can create, edit, delete or view any documents, but individual documents themselvesstill have "object-level" permissions.

AppConfigChange or higher permissions grants access to the "Application Configuration" area.
CorrespondentAdd, edit, delete or view Correspondents.
CustomFieldAdd, edit, delete or view Custom Fields.
DocumentAdd, edit, delete or view Documents.
DocumentTypeAdd, edit, delete or view Document Types.
GroupAdd, edit, delete or view Groups.
MailAccountAdd, edit, delete or view Mail Accounts.
MailRuleAdd, edit, delete or view Mail Rules.
NoteAdd, edit, delete or view Notes.
PaperlessTaskView or dismiss (Change) File Tasks.
SavedViewAdd, edit, delete or view Saved Views.
ShareLinkAdd, delete or view Share Links.
StoragePathAdd, edit, delete or view Storage Paths.
TagAdd, edit, delete or view Tags.
UISettingsAdd, edit, delete or view the UI settings that are used by the web app.
Basic Usage - Paperless-ngx (1) Users that will access the web UI must be granted at least View permissions.
UserAdd, edit, delete or view Users.
WorkflowAdd, edit, delete or view Workflows.
Note that Workflows are global, in other words all users who can access workflows have access to the same set of them.

Detailed Explanation of Object Permissions

OwnerBy default objects are only visible and editable by their owner.
Only the object owner can grant permissions to other users or groups.
Additionally, only document owners can create share links and add / remove custom fields.
For backwards compatibility objects can have no owner which makes them visible to any user.
ViewConfers the ability to view (not edit) a document, tag, etc.
Users without 'view' (or higher) permissions will be shown 'Private' in place of the object name for example when viewing a document with a tag for which the user doesn't have permissions.
EditConfers the ability to edit (and view) a document, tag, etc.

Password reset

In order to enable the password reset feature you will need to setup an SMTP backend, seePAPERLESS_EMAIL_HOST. If your installation does not havePAPERLESS_URL set, the reset link included in emails will use the server host.



v2.3 added "Workflows" and existing "Consumption Templates" were converted automatically to the new more powerful format.

Workflows allow hooking into the Paperless-ngx document pipeline, for example to alter what metadata (tags, doc types) andpermissions (owner, privileges) are assigned to documents. Workflows can have multiple 'triggers' and 'actions'. Triggersare events (with optional filtering rules) that will cause the workflow to be run and actions are the set of sequentialactions to apply.

In general, workflows and any actions they contain are applied sequentially by sort order. For "assignment" actions, subsequentworkflow actions will override previous assignments, except for assignments that accept multiple items e.g. tags, customfields and permissions, which will be merged.

Workflow Triggers

Currently, there are three events that correspond to workflow trigger 'types':

  1. Consumption Started: before a document is consumed, so events can include filters by source (mail, consumptionfolder or API), file path, file name, mail rule
  2. Document Added: after a document is added. At this time, file path and source information is no longer available,but the document content has been extracted and metadata such as document type, tags, etc. have been set, so these can nowbe used for filtering.
  3. Document Updated: when a document is updated. Similar to 'added' events, triggers can include filtering by content matching,tags, doc type, or correspondent.

The following flow diagram illustrates the three trigger types:

flowchart TD consumption{"Matching 'Consumption' trigger(s)"} added{"Matching 'Added' trigger(s)"} updated{"Matching 'Updated' trigger(s)"} A[New Document] --> consumption consumption --> |Yes| C[Workflow Actions Run] consumption --> |No| D C --> D[Document Added] D -- Paperless-ngx 'matching' of tags, etc. --> added added --> |Yes| F[Workflow Actions Run] added --> |No| G F --> G[Document Finalized] H[Existing Document Changed] --> updated updated --> |Yes| J[Workflow Actions Run] updated --> |No| K J --> K[Document Saved]


Workflows allow you to filter by:

  • Source, e.g. documents uploaded via consume folder, API (& the web UI) and mail fetch
  • File name, including wildcards e.g. *.pdf will apply to all pdfs
  • File path, including wildcards. Note that enabling PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_RECURSIVE would allow, forexample, automatically assigning documents to different owners based on the upload directory.
  • Mail rule. Choosing this option will force 'mail fetch' to be the workflow source.
  • Content matching (Added and Updated triggers only). Filter document content using the matching settings.
  • Tags (Added and Updated triggers only). Filter for documents with any of the specified tags
  • Document type (Added and Updated triggers only). Filter documents with this doc type
  • Correspondent (Added and Updated triggers only). Filter documents with this correspondent

Workflow Actions

There are currently two types of workflow actions, "Assignment", which can assign:

  • Title, see title placeholders below
  • Tags, correspondent, document type and storage path
  • Document owner
  • View and / or edit permissions to users or groups
  • Custom fields. Note that no value for the field will be set

and "Removal" actions, which can remove either all of or specific sets of the following:

  • Tags, correspondents, document types or storage paths
  • Document owner
  • View and / or edit permissions
  • Custom fields

Title placeholders

Workflow titles can include placeholders but the available options differ depending on the type ofworkflow trigger. This is because at the time of consumption (when the title is to be set), no automatic tags etc. have beenapplied. You can use the following placeholders with any trigger type:

  • {correspondent}: assigned correspondent name
  • {document_type}: assigned document type name
  • {owner_username}: assigned owner username
  • {added}: added datetime
  • {added_year}: added year
  • {added_year_short}: added year
  • {added_month}: added month
  • {added_month_name}: added month name
  • {added_month_name_short}: added month short name
  • {added_day}: added day
  • {added_time}: added time in HH:MM format
  • {original_filename}: original file name without extension

The following placeholders are only available for "added" or "updated" triggers

  • {created}: created datetime
  • {created_year}: created year
  • {created_year_short}: created year
  • {created_month}: created month
  • {created_month_name}: created month name
  • {created_month_name_short}: created month short name
  • {created_day}: created day
  • {created_time}: created time in HH:MM format

Workflow permissions

All users who have application permissions for editing workflows can see the same setof workflows. In other words, workflows themselves intentionally do not have an owner or permissions.

Given their potentially far-reaching capabilities, you may want to restrict access to workflows.

Upon migration, existing installs will grant access to workflows to users who can adddocuments (and superusers who can always access all parts of the app).

Custom Fields

Paperless-ngx supports the use of custom fields for documents as of v2.0, allowing a userto optionally attach data to documents which does not fit in the existing set of fieldsPaperless-ngx provides.

  1. First, create a custom field (under "Manage"), with a given name and data type. This could be something like "Invoice Number" or "Date Paid", with a data type of "Number", "Date", "String", etc.
  2. Once created, a field can be used with documents and data stored. To do so, use the "Custom Fields" menu on the document detail page, choose your existing field from the dropdown. Once the field is visible in the form you can enter the appropriate data which will be validated according to the custom field "data type".
  3. Fields can be removed by hovering over the field name revealing a "Remove" button.


Added / removed fields, as well as any data, is not saved to the document until youactually hit the "Save" button, similar to other changes on the document details page.


Once the data type for a field is set, it cannot be changed.

Multiple fields may be attached to a document but the same field name cannot be assigned multiple times to the a single document.

The following custom field types are supported:

  • Text: any text
  • Boolean: true / false (check / unchecked) field
  • Date: date
  • URL: a valid url
  • Integer: integer number e.g. 12
  • Number: float number e.g. 12.3456
  • Monetary: ISO 4217 currency code and a number with exactly two decimals, e.g. USD12.30
  • Document Link: reference(s) to other document(s) displayed as links, automatically creates a symmetrical link in reverse
  • Select: a pre-defined list of strings from which the user can choose

Paperless-ngx added the ability to create shareable links to files in version 2.0. You can find the button for this on the document detail screen.

  • Share links do not require a user to login and thus link directly to a file.
  • Links are unique and are of the form {paperless-url}/share/{randomly-generated-slug}.
  • Links can optionally have an expiration time set.
  • After a link expires or is deleted users will be redirected to the regular paperless-ngx login.


If your paperless-ngx instance is behind a reverse-proxy you may want to create an exception to bypass any authentication layers that are part of your setup in order to make links truly publicly-accessible. Of course, do so with caution.

PDF Actions

Paperless-ngx supports four basic editing operations for PDFs (these operations currently cannot be performed on non-PDF files):

  • Merging documents: available when selecting multiple documents for 'bulk editing'.
  • Rotating documents: available when selecting multiple documents for 'bulk editing' and from an individual document's details page.
  • Splitting documents: available from an individual document's details page.
  • Deleting pages: available from an individual document's details page.


Note that rotation and deleting pages alter the Paperless-ngx original file, which would, for example, invalidate a digital signature.

Document History

As of version 2.7, Paperless-ngx automatically records all changes to a document and records this in an audit log. The feature requires PAPERLESS_AUDIT_LOG_ENABLED be enabled, which it is by default as of version 2.7.Changes to documents are visible under the "History" tab. Note that certain changes such as those made by workflows, record the 'actor'as "System".

Document Trash

When you first delete a document it is moved to the 'trash' until either it is explicitly deleted or it is automatically removed after a set amount of time has passed.You can set how long documents remain in the trash before being automatically deleted with PAPERLESS_EMPTY_TRASH_DELAY, which defaultsto 30 days. Until the file is actually deleted (e.g. the trash is emptied), all files and database content remains intact and can be restored at any point up until that time.

Additionally you may configure a directory where deleted files are moved to when they the trash is emptied with PAPERLESS_EMPTY_TRASH_DIR.Note that the empty trash directory only stores the original file, the archive file and all database information is permanently removed once a document is fully deleted.

Best practices

Paperless offers a couple tools that help you organize your documentcollection. However, it is up to you to use them in a way that helps youorganize documents and find specific documents when you need them. Thissection offers a couple ideas for managing your collection.

Document types allow you to classify documents according to what theyare. You can define types such as "Receipt", "Invoice", or"Contract". If you used to collect all your receipts in a singlebinder, you can recreate that system in paperless by defining a documenttype, assigning documents to that type and then filtering by that typeto only see all receipts.

Not all documents need document types. Sometimes its hard to determinewhat the type of a document is or it is hard to justify creating adocument type that you only need once or twice. This is okay. As long asthe types you define help you organize your collection in the way youwant, paperless is doing its job.

Tags can be used in many different ways. Think of tags are moreversatile folders or binders. If you have a binder for documents relatedto university / your car or health care, you can create these binders inpaperless by creating tags and assigning them to relevant documents.Just as with documents, you can filter the document list by tags andonly see documents of a certain topic.

With physical documents, you'll often need to decide which folder thedocument belongs to. The advantage of tags over folders and binders isthat a single document can have multiple tags. A physical documentcannot magically appear in two different folders, but with tags, this isentirely possible.


This can be used in many different ways. One example: Imagine you'reworking on a particular task, such as signing up for university. Usuallyyou'll need to collect a bunch of different documents that are alreadysorted into various folders. With the tag system of paperless, you cancreate a new group of documents that are relevant to this task withoutdestroying the already existing organization. When you're done with thetask, you could delete the tag again, which would be equal to sortingdocuments back into the folder they belong into. Or keep the tag, up toyou.

All of the logic above applies to correspondents as well. Attach them todocuments if you feel that they help you organize your collection.

When you've started organizing your documents, create a couple savedviews for document collections you regularly access. This is equal tohaving labeled physical binders on your desk, except that these savedviews are dynamic and simply update themselves as you add documents tothe system.

Here are a couple examples of tags and types that you could use in yourcollection.

  • An inbox tag for newly added documents that you haven't manuallyedited yet.
  • A tag car for everything car related (repairs, registration,insurance, etc)
  • A tag todo for documents that you still need to do something with,such as reply, or perform some task online.
  • A tag bank account x for all bank statement related to thataccount.
  • A tag mail for anything that you added to paperless via its mailprocessing capabilities.
  • A tag missing_metadata when you still need to add some metadata toa document, but can't or don't want to do this right now.


Global search

The top search bar in the web UI performs a "global" search of the variousobjects Paperless-ngx uses, including documents, tags, workflows, etc. Onlyobjects for which the user has appropriate permissions are returned. Fordocuments, if there are < 3 results, "advanced" search results (which usethe document index) will also be included. This can be disabled under settings.

Document searches

Paperless offers an extensive searching mechanism that is designed toallow you to quickly find a document you're looking for (for example,that thing that just broke and you bought a couple months ago, thatcontract you signed 8 years ago).

When you search paperless for a document, it tries to match this queryagainst your documents. Paperless will look for matching documents byinspecting their content, title, correspondent, type and tags. Paperlessreturns a scored list of results, so that documents matching your querybetter will appear further up in the search results.

By default, paperless returns only documents which contain all wordstyped in the search bar. However, paperless also offers advanced searchsyntax if you want to drill down the results further.

Matching documents with logical expressions:

shopname AND (product1 OR product2)

Matching specific tags, correspondents or types:

type:invoice tag:unpaidcorrespondent:university certificate

Matching dates:

created:[2005 to 2009]added:yesterdaymodified:today

Matching inexact words:



Inexact terms are hard for search indexes. These queries might take awhile to execute. That's why paperless offers auto complete and querycorrection.

All of these constructs can be combined as you see fit. If you want tolearn more about the query language used by paperless, paperless usesWhoosh's default query language. Head over to Whoosh querylanguage. Fordetails on what date parsing utilities are available, see Dateparsing.

Keyboard shortcuts / hotkeys

A list of available hotkeys can be shown on any page using Shift +?. The help dialog shows only the keys that are currently availablebased on which area of Paperless-ngx you are using.

The recommended workflow

Once you have familiarized yourself with paperless and are ready to useit for all your documents, the recommended workflow for managing yourdocuments is as follows. This workflow also takes into account that somedocuments have to be kept in physical form, but still ensures that youget all the advantages for these documents as well.

The following diagram shows how easy it is to manage your documents.

Preparations in paperless

  • Create an inbox tag that gets assigned to all new documents.
  • Create a TODO tag.

Processing of the physical documents

Keep a physical inbox. Whenever you receive a document that you need toarchive, put it into your inbox. Regularly, do the following for alldocuments in your inbox:

  1. For each document, decide if you need to keep the document inphysical form. This applies to certain important documents, such ascontracts and certificates.
  2. If you need to keep the document, write a running number on thedocument before scanning, starting at one and counting upwards. Thisis the archive serial number, or ASN in short.
  3. Scan the document.
  4. If the document has an ASN assigned, store it in a single binder,sorted by ASN. Don't order this binder in any other way.
  5. If the document has no ASN, throw it away. Yay!


Instead of writing a number on the document by hand, you may also preparea spool of labels with barcodes with an ascending serial number, that areformatted like ASN00001.This also enables Paperless to automatically parse and process the ASN(if enabled in the config), so that you don't need to manually assign it.

Over time, you will notice that your physical binder will fill up. If itis full, label the binder with the range of ASNs in this binder (i.e.,"Documents 1 to 343"), store the binder in your cellar or elsewhere,and start a new binder.

The idea behind this process is that you will never have to use thephysical binders to find a document. If you need a specific physicaldocument, you may find this document by:

  1. Searching in paperless for the document.
  2. Identify the ASN of the document, since it appears on the scan.
  3. Grab the relevant document binder and get the document. This is easysince they are sorted by ASN.

Processing of documents in paperless

Once you have scanned in a document, proceed in paperless as follows.

  1. If the document has an ASN, assign the ASN to the document.
  2. Assign a correspondent to the document (i.e., your employer, bank,etc) This isn't strictly necessary but helps in finding a documentwhen you need it.
  3. Assign a document type (i.e., invoice, bank statement, etc) to thedocument This isn't strictly necessary but helps in finding adocument when you need it.
  4. Assign a proper title to the document (the name of an item youbought, the subject of the letter, etc)
  5. Check that the date of the document is correct. Paperless tries toread the date from the content of the document, but this failssometimes if the OCR is bad or multiple dates appear on thedocument.
  6. Remove inbox tags from the documents.


You can setup manual matching rules for your correspondents and tags andpaperless will assign them automatically. After consuming a coupledocuments, you can even ask paperless to learn when to assign tags andcorrespondents by itself. For details on this feature, seeadvanced matching.

Task management

Some documents require attention and require you to act on the document.You may take two different approaches to handle these documents based onhow regularly you intend to scan documents and use paperless.

  • If you scan and process your documents in paperless regularly,assign a TODO tag to all scanned documents that you need to process.Create a saved view on the dashboard that shows all documents withthis tag.
  • If you do not scan documents regularly and use paperless solely forarchiving, create a physical todo box next to your physical inboxand put documents you need to process in the TODO box. When youperformed the task associated with the document, move it to theinbox.


Paperless-ngx consists of the following components:

  • The webserver: This serves the administration pages, the API,and the new frontend. This is the main tool you'll be using to interactwith paperless. You may start the webserver directly with
$ cd /path/to/paperless/src/$ gunicorn -c ../ paperless.wsgi

or by any other means such as Apache mod_wsgi.

  • The consumer: This is what watches your consumption folder fordocuments. However, the consumer itself does not really consume yourdocuments. Now it notifies a task processor that a new file is readyfor consumption. I suppose it should be named differently. This wasalso used to check your emails, but that's now done elsewhere aswell.

Start the consumer with the management command document_consumer:

$ cd /path/to/paperless/src/$ python3 document_consumer
  • The task processor: Paperless relies on Celery - DistributedTask Queue for doingmost of the heavy lifting. This is a task queue that accepts tasksfrom multiple sources and processes these in parallel. It also comeswith a scheduler that executes certain commands periodically.

This task processor is responsible for:

  • Consuming documents. When the consumer finds new documents, itnotifies the task processor to start a consumption task.
  • The task processor also performs the consumption of anydocuments you upload through the web interface.
  • Consuming emails. It periodically checks your configuredaccounts for new emails and notifies the task processor toconsume the attachment of an email.
  • Maintaining the search index and the automatic matchingalgorithm. These are things that paperless needs to do from timeto time in order to operate properly.

This allows paperless to process multiple documents from yourconsumption folder in parallel! On a modern multi core system, thismakes the consumption process with full OCR blazingly fast.

The task processor comes with a built-in admin interface that youcan use to check whenever any of the tasks fail and inspect theerrors (i.e., wrong email credentials, errors during consuming aspecific file, etc).

  • A redis message broker: This is a reallylightweight service that is responsible for getting the tasks fromthe webserver and the consumer to the task scheduler. These run in adifferent process (maybe even on different machines!), andtherefore, this is necessary.

  • Optional: A database server. Paperless supports PostgreSQL, MariaDBand SQLite for storing its data.

Basic Usage - Paperless-ngx (2025)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.