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WeatherCalendar Troy Daily News wwwTDN NETcom MICH Cleveland 1 I Toledo 1 National weather Mansfield 1 IND Today Oct 18 Columbus Dayton Values indicate the exposure to UV rays WVA Portsmouth Main Pollutant: Particulate SOURCE: ASSOCIATED PRESS Las Vegas Atlanta 54 Austin Hi LoWthr 59 cdy 74 51 cdy Raleigh Durham 76 63 16 cdy Chicago Temperature Sydm 61 53 lagstaff 81 48 clr cdy Record Low 30 in 1989 'I WMT MMdBMfriPMc Morrow air toltoeMa Nature Prsearve(JcMng Green 4 TODAY YI Community Calendar SATURDAY MONDAY SUNDAY WEDNESDAY TUESDAY i WDTN 1 2 News irst air Accurate STATEWIDE ORECAST LOCAL OUTLOOK SUN AND MOON NATIONAL ORECAST UV INDEX TODAY IN HISTORY AIR QUALITY NATIONAL CITIES POLLEN COUNTS REGIONAL CITIES Me GLOBAL REGIONAL ALMANAC IM cincipnatl 557761 Nchob Extremes: High: 105 at Death Valley turers and interested parties will meet at 6:30 pm at the National Composite Center 2000 Composite Drive Kettering in the old DESCI area off Wilmington Ave The meeting is open to the public and will discuss how to get China to change their money value impose value added taxes to foreign manufacturers and keeping military contracts in the US The group also will be discussing the possibility of developing an Ohio Job Coalition organization sill Temperatures indicate high and overnight low to 8 pm CONTACT US Pollen Count: 0 Mold Count: 2447 (low) Basidiospores Source: Regional Air Pollution Control Agency BOOSTER MEETING: The Troy Cheerleader Booster Club will meet at 6:30 pm in the back area of in downtown Troy IBROMYALGIA: Learn the benefits of massage in treating fibromyalgia at 7 pm at the Troy Hayner Cultural Center Discussion charts and hands on massage techniques will be shared in this informa tional session ASTRONOMY PRO GRAM: The Troy Miami County Public Library will welcome Jack Geis of the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery at 7:30 pm His topic will be the Wonders of the Universe and our place in an astronomy program Light refreshments will be served Call the library at 339 0502 for more informa tion Room at the Trinity Episcopal Church 1550 Henley Road Troy This is an open discussion meeting Weight Watchers Suite 2600 Stouder Center Troy at 9:30 am or more information call 698 5203 Market behind 9 am to 2 pm Pilates for Beginners (Introduction) 9:15 10:15 am at 27 12 Main St Tipp City or more information call Tipp Monroe Community Services at 667 8631 or Celeste at 669 2441 Greater Grace 12 Step Chrisitan Base program 6 7 pm Agape Ministries 111 Canal St Troy or more inf ormation call 339 8683 BUET BREAKAST: The Sons of the American Legion will have a buffet break fast from 9 am to noon at 377 Third St Tipp City Scrambled eggs toast bacon sausage ham pancakes rench toast hash browns bis cuits and gravy juice and cof fee The price is $5 for adults are $3 for children under 12 QUILT AUCTION: An Amisn Quilt Auction will be held at 1:30 pm in the Marie Aull Auditorium The quilts are hand made and fashioned in intricate patterns Each quilt is unique and of heirloom quality The classic patterns such as Damon Rose Broken Star and Ultimate Pineapple will be fea tured The Mirage Quilt has more than 500 yards of hand quilted stitches and the eathered Star Quilt has 1 00 pieces of fabric in each square Registration is at 12:30 pm ree admission General admis sion for all Center and arm programs is $4 per adult and $2 per child unless otherwise noted Members of riends of Aullwood and National Audubon Society are admitted free Aullwood Center pro grams begin at 1000 Aullwood Road Aullwood arm programs begin at 9101 rederick Pike Call (937) 890 7360 for more information ALL DAY SCRAPBOOK ING: An all day scrapbooking session from 10 am to 4 pm will be held at the Troy Junior High School Lunch will be pro vided and everyone will get their own eight foot table cost is $25 or more informa tion call Sharon at 339 4624 or Sharrie at 339 0495 SINGLES DANCE: Darke County Singles Dance featuring music by Sierra will be held from 8:30 pm to 12 am at the VW Hall located at 219 Ohio St Greenville The dance is open to allsingles 21 years of age and over Admission is $6 or information call 968 5007 or 548 9596 This event is sponsored by Darke County Singles a non profit organiza tion WAGON RIDES: Draft horse pulled wagon rides will be held from 1 2:30 pm at Aullwood Audubon Center arm Draft horse pulled wagon rides are a fun way to explore the farm The wagon rides will tour the crop fields prairies and some pastures Visitors will ride with Chris Norman and Jason Beale and will have a chance to discuss the many interesting facets of farm life ees for the wagon rides are $2 per person for the first ride $1 for the sec ond Non members must pay for admission to the farm in addition to the wagon ride fees General admission for all Center and arm programs is $4 per adult and $2 per child unless otherwise noted Members of riends of Aullwood and National Audubon Society are admitted free Aullwood Center pro fl CANDIDATES RECEP TION: A candidates reception will be held at 7 pm at the Troy Hayner Cultural Center Troy REUNION MEETING: The Troy High School Class of 1984 reunion committee will hold a first planning meeting for its 20th class reunion at 7 pm in the Community Room at the Troy Miami County Library or more information call Cindy (Hotchkiss) Ault at 339 0787 and Tyler Nimer at 339 3446 CANDIDATES ORUM: The 2003 Candidates orum will be held from 7 9 pm in the Market Square Community Room third floor 405 SW Public Square Troy This is being presented by the Downtown Troy Business Association Participants will hear the candidates for this mayoral and city council races talk on the issues Suite 2600 Stouder Center Troy from 10 am to 5:30 pm or more information call 698 5203 Greater Grace 12 Step Chrisitan Base program 9 10 pm Agape Ministries 111 Canal St Troy or more infor mation call 339 8683 Columbus Dayton Toledo Buffalo Detroit ort Wayne IrxfianapoTis Knoxville Lansing Louisville Memphis Richmond Roanoke Youngstown Oct 25 Nov 1 Saturday Oct 11 AccuWeathercom torcast for daytime conditions lowtiigh temperatures ELLOWSHIP OR SENIORS: Community ellowship for Seniors will meet at 1 pm at Richards Chapel UMC 831 McKaig Av Troy A speaker will provide information about the local free clinic Each person is invited to bring some thing for bring and tell to tell the group about MANUACTURERS GROUP: A group of manufac grams begin at 1000 Aullwood Road Aullwood arm programs begin at 9101 rederick Pike Call (937) 890 7360 for more information POT PIE SUPPER: The Lostcreek United Church of Christ 7007 Troy Urbana Road Troy will hold its annual pot pie supper beginning at 4:30 pm Prices will be $6 for adults and $3 for children under the age of 12 Dine in or carry out will be available The church is wheel chair accesible BENEIT: A fall festival will be held from noon to 3 pm at Kindercare 430 Kirk LaneTroy There will be pumpkin decorating a costume contest raffles concession stand games prizes and more Proceeds will benefit a 2 year old cancer patient in the Kindercare program or more information call 339 8499 SMORGASBORD: Green View United Church of Christ 3041 Leatherwood Creek Road Plattsville will have a smorgas bord from 5 7 pm at the cen ter Take County Road 25 A north from Piqua and turn right at the Sidney Airport (Sidney Plattsville Road) and go four miles to the church The center is located across Leatherwood Creek Road from the church The price is $650 for adults and $350 for ages 10 and younger Service groups AA Meeting will meet at 8:30 am at the new irst Lutheran Church corner of Washington Road and State Route 41 The meeting is closed (members must have a desire to stop drinking) AA 12 and12 meeting' 10 pm Westminster Presbyterian Church corner of Ash and Caldwell streets Piqua Closed discussion AA Troy Winners Group will meet at 8:30 pm in the 12 Step Room at the Trinity Episcopal Church 1550 Henley Road Troy for discussion The meeting is open AA Troy Beginners Group meets at 7 pm in the 12 Step Precipitation 24 hours ending at 5 pm Month to date 017 Call Melody Vallieu at 440 5265 to list your free cal endar items You can send your news by mail to val lieutdnpublishingcom ull Last Salt Lake City 88 60 cdy San rancisco 68 57 clr Hi Lo Pre Otlk Akron'lr Cincinnati Warm days to continue Kuwait City 101 66 clr Mexico Montreal 68 48 cdy LEA WALK: A Colored Leaf Moon ull Moon Walk will be held from 8 9:30 pm Natural changes are taking place all around us in October The days have grown shorter so the sunlight available for photosynthesis in plants is less The green chlorophyll of sum mer has disappeared from leaves revealing the beautiful red orange and yellow leaf color of autumn Join an Aullwood naturalist for an evening walk in the light of full moon General admission for all Center and arm programs is $4 per adult and $2 per child unless other wise noted Members of riends of Aullwood and National Audubon Society are admitted free Aullwood Center programs begin at 1 000 Aullwood Road Aullwood arm programs begin at 9101 rederick Pike Call (937) 890 7360 for more information BROWN BAG LUNCH: The cattleman's association will hold a brown bag lunch from 11:30 am to 1 pm on the courthouse lawn The lunch will be $6 Service groups A social ballroom dance will be held from 8 1 1 pm at The Rec second floor 11 Market St Troy AA riday Troy Happy Hour Group will meet at 5 pm: in the former irst Lutheran Church corner of Short and Main streets Troy The Big Book meeting is closed to AA members only AA New Wise Group will meet at 8 pm in the Salvation Army 129 South Wayne St Piqua Use the rear entrance for the open discussion meeting Narcotics Anonymous Clean and ree 8 pm Dettmer Hospital 3130 County Road 25 A Troy Open discussion non smoking or more information call 332 0089 Weight Watchers walk in 73 50 cdy Calif Low: 20 at Bondurant Wyo Pittsburgh 75 47 cdy Albany NY 78 48 cdy Daytona Beach 83 70 cdy HI Lo Pre Otlk 96 66 clr (AP) Today is riday Oct 10 the 283rd day of 2003 There are 82 days left in the year Highlight in History: On Oct 1 0 1 973 VicePresident Spiro Agnew accused of accepting bribes pleaded no contest to one count of federal income tax evasion and resigned his office In 1845 the US Naval Academy opened in Annapolis Md In 1886 the tuxedo dinner jacket made its American debut at the autumn ball in Tuxedo Park NY In 1911 revolutionaries under Sun Yat sen overthrew Manchu dynasty In 1935 George opera and opened on Broadway In 1943 Chiang Kai shek took the oath of office as presi dent of China In 1978 President Carter signed a bill authorizing the Susan Anthony dollar In 1 985 US fighter jets forced an Egyptian plane carry ing the hijackers of the Italian cruise ship to land in Italy where the gunmen were taken into custody Baghdad 98 62 clr Jerusalem 92 63 clr Tampa St Ptrsbg88 72 cdy Temperatures will remain above normal into the week end A weak area of low pres sure will bring showers into the Miami Valley tonight and riday Most of the showers will end by riday evening and high school foot ball Nice weather returns for the weekend with temperatures remainly slightly above normal Guernsey' Jefferson Vinton Hocking Jackson Morgan Vinton Key West 88 79 74 52 74 55 rn rn 74 49 02 cdy 74 48 77 50 rn Sunny Pt Cloudy Cloudy Showers storms Rain lumes Snow Ice cdy rn cdy rn Toronto Sacramento 79 58 clr 2003 AccuWeather Inc Des Moines 80 61 clr Year to date 3435 Normal year to date Snowfall yesterday 000 Milwaukee 73 54 clr 72 34 87 73 28 cdy Baton Rouge 78 67 04 cdy Charleston SC 82 63 cdy NATIONAL SUMMARY: Araa of rain and a tow thunderstorms wfl davatop ovar Via Upper Mdwaat and Into the central Plaine along a coM front pushing aaatward tomorrow Unwanted weather wM atoo ba found along the Gulf Coast A storm eyetom nfl send rwn into the Pacific Northwest wtfle the Roctoae wfl be cool but dry with sunshine Montgomery 71 61 rn New Orleans 83 73 05 rn Oklahoma City 80 64 73 cdy Philadelphia 79 53 cdy Mremwgod Stat orest Hope Sues Park 1 Hocking HUI State Park Green Jackson Lake State Park Gwen BurrOak State Park Emir Qfwta Erimwt Hflhtshow cloudy with ewworai High: possfote Low: Allentown Pa 78 47 cdy 73 63 Hancock yton ulton Creek GMt Park Dataware Sunrise Saturday 7:43 am Sunset tonight 7:06 prm Moonrise today 7:30 pm Moonset today 7:52 am New irst Low: Low: air Deer Creek Stete Park PIckMwfc NORTHEABT 4 air Wr air Mohican State Park and State orest AAshtancP) EAST air GmHord LaksState ''Columbiarai Sait ork State Park Guernsey 1 RIiia Rnrk Rtata Park Muftkhnniim Ml Hi Lo Pre Otlk 71 47 74'55 75 55 76 44 76 75 63115 78 66 6112'cdy 75 46 rn Low Yesterday 48 at 6:39 pm Normal Normal month to Normal Low 46 PA Youngstown riday October 10 2003 i A7 KiiBaiBaBaiCTE rtodwtoifl sunny rHMr75i hfcfcarl Low: 71 4 The AecuWeethercom forecast for noon Saturday Oct 11 i Illi 10a Oo te 10b 20 Mfr 40t SO MM 70t Ste Mb 100 110 Bnd prto high tomprtuf zone for th day i I 4 ROHTO: 2003 AoouWMflw in wmu stationary Kfb Law frbowra Rain toffn lunle Snow let Sunny PL Cloudy Cloudy I if 8srWj WMf UMflMilMB fMt a fl STATEWIDE ORECAST LOCAL OUTLOOK SUN AND MOON NATIONAL ORECAST BBW4MIMIMB MS I Cjn Nchob UV INDEX TODAY IN HISTORY AIR QUALITY NATIONAL CITIES POLLEN COUNTS REGIONAL CITIES GLOBAL REGIONAL ALMANAC am 1.
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